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A Talented Teacher

If you have already looked through the March 2016 Tidings you will see that the Week 12 article (June 12 – 18) features the disabled teacher, Prisca Hatembo, who is currently salaried as a volunteer teacher in Muumba school. Prisca was supported as a school pupil and through her teacher training by HHI and is now working in the school built by the Muumba community with HHI funding. As you know, the school is well on its way to fulfilling the necessary criteria in order to gain government registration, and those of you who knit for HHI are awaiting the go ahead for the school colours to be decided.

We have just received more news complete with a photograph of two children dressed in grey pinafore dresses and we are told that these dresses were made by teacher Prisca. A talented teacher indeed.

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