Saturday February 8th
Jute and Phillip set off bright and early to visit some of the recipients of HHI support, key people who assist HHI in India, and also meet needy and vulnerable people. Read on… Nihara Two-year-old Nihara who had a successful…
Jute and Phillip set off bright and early to visit some of the recipients of HHI support, key people who assist HHI in India, and also meet needy and vulnerable people. Read on… Nihara Two-year-old Nihara who had a successful…
Following a warm welcome from our hosts on the 7th January, we gave an overview of the work of HHI in India and Zambia with the help of films produced by Big Picture Charity Films ( We looked at the…
First port of call today was Shanti Bhavan, a home for destitute men which we support. We received the usual enthusiastic welcome. Talking to Rani and Johnny it was clear that they had a problem - the iron roof had…
Philippians 2:5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing…
Despite the pandemic and the severe lockdown in Kerala, our life-saving work in Trivandrum Medical College Hospital is still going on, quietly and under the radar. Shibu is still providing care to people who have no-one who can look after…
It is very likely that many of our supporters have one of the Crafts we sell either online, in talks or at our Supporters’ events which we bring back from India or Zambia. And it is also very likely that…
Today was spent in and around the capital city of Kerala, Thiruvananthapurum - or Trivandrum if you prefer. Less contact with needy people, but catching up with some important business. First visit was to Shanti Bhavan, a home for destitute…
It was an early departure for Trivandrum aka Thiruvananthapuram today so as to meet the kidney patients at 9.30. We support some 27 of them with varying amounts of money so as to help them to pay for immunosuppressant drugs…