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DAY 5 Friday 15th September 2023

Choongo School Chipo, Exhildah and Bibian

HHI pays for three students to attend Choongo school. Two of them, Chipo and Exhildah, have been funded by us for almost 8 years and they are about to sit their final grade 12 exams. Chipo, who has dwarfism, hopes to be a nurse and Exhildah, hopes to study accountancy. Today was the first time for us UK visitors to speak with them and they were delightful.





Bibian, who is 22 years old, is the third student who receives funding from HHI She asked to be helped into education following her leg amputation in 2020. Up to that age she had suffered greatly with an infected lymphatic disease, and she had not been able to attend school. She is now in a wheelchair attending lessons with her friends. She has an artificial limb and is practising to use it with the help of the house mothers. None of these girls would be fulfilling their potential if it wasn’t for the long-term support from HHI.  Thank You HHI!

Bibian with Jute

Bibian with Jute

Chipo with Jute

Chipo with Jute

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