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Jute and Hilary in Zambia – 3

Decision Time

The Beneficiaries Committee spent the morning interviewing people who had travelled from far and wide to ask for help. Their needs ranged from parents asking for money for transport to take their sick or disabled child to the hospital, to the just plain hungry. Hungry because a disability or illness prevents them from working so they have no money. And that means the family will be hungry too. Help was at hand.

However, not all stories are easy to listen to and not all decisions are easy to make.

For instance…

Royd Mwanachiwena, a ‘double orphan’, lives with his grandmother in a remote area. Because of the distance between home and school, Royd had been a boarder, but funds have now run out. Royd was seeking money to allow him to complete his education: a £100 to board or £60 to attend school as a day pupil.

HHI was unable to offer to pay for Royd’s education but £24 was given to him so that he could repair his bike. Royd is more than willing to cycle to school through the bush in order to finish his schooling… if he can find the fees.


Patreeda asked for support in order that she could care for her disabled 16 yr old nephew. He is already known to HHZ and has been supported in the past. Patreeda was given money to purchase seed and fertiliser from the local council, join a cooperative, buy food and also money for transport home. Why transport? Well, because Patreeda lives a long way from Monze, she set off the day before the committee meeting and along with her infant son, slept overnight in the bush.

How desperate is that?

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