Jute still in Zambia
Another visit to Ntambo-
Today new crutches were given to Priscilla and also soap for use with the ‘ingenious handwashing gadget’ (see the article of the same name). The two pairs of shoes which were given to Priscilla fitted well; one pair is for school and the other for wearing in the bush. Priscilla was particularly happy with the ‘Boom’ washing powder and she and her friend Macdoreen, who is unable to hear or speak, tackled the laundry. While Jute helped with the washing and pegging out of the clothes, Robbie fixed Priscilla’s broken bed.
Mr Gondwe made a costing for the rebuilding Priscilla’s house of approximately 16,000 kwacha (£1,600) and suggested that if HHZ Robbie and Robert did the labour it would give them employment as well as keeping the costs down.
Mr Gondwe spoke to Robert and also to Beatrice, the Ntambo chairperson, about how to maintain and service the hammermill. Beatrice was very happy to receive new crutches too.
Back at base…
Colin Venters, originally from Scotland, but now living in Monze, uses the HHZ library every Tuesday and Thursday to make extremely sturdy papier mache, yes, papier-mache furniture and disability aids with Robbie.
More sewing items were given to Alistair and graded specs to Adam. Carole, whose eyesight is fading, was given +2.5 reading glasses by Adam and felt the benefit immediately.
The Security team was delighted with the uniforms but it was decided that new boots would be a good idea. These cost 80 kwacha a pair.
And… the last remaining solar radio taken by Jute to Zambia was given to security and they will charge it daily on the tin roof!