Marvellous Muumba
We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Muumba school this morning when we were welcomed by the head teacher Mr Bbilika, the staff and very inquisitive, happy children. The number of pupils in the school has grown considerably to 415 in total. Over 25% are children who are either orphans, disabled or classed as vulnerable. The school’s motto is to be inclusive, and this is certainly the case. We saw Ruth in her wheelchair being able to access the girls’ toilets which have been installed with ramps by HHI. We saw some of the mothers preparing the midday meal for all the children, some of whom often come to school without having eaten. HHI funds these meals. We saw a very proud member of staff, Prisca Hatembo who has just been promoted to the post of senior teacher. Prisca has a long and successful relationship with HHI as she was supported into school with a HHI wheelchair and funded by HHI through her teacher training college. She was delighted to see us.

Prisca Hatembo now a senior teacher in Muumba School
The children queued neatly to receive their hot meal of nshima and kapteta with their plastic plates which they bring from home. Unfortunately, Mary, a very shy vulnerable little girl did not have a plate with her and so she had to wait for someone to finish their food and lend her some sort of container. Several children were in similar positions and as a result Edmund and I purchased 50 plastic plates which we will deliver to the school before the end of our visit.