Mr Thabo Maheritona hails from Livingstone, Zambia. He is married with 5 children and 11 grand children.
His chosen profession, Education, was his lifelong focus until his retirement as Monze District Education Board Secretary (DEBS). Since then his focus has been on charitable works and he has brought to HHZ his experience and expertise in the field of education and beyond.
It is worth mentioning that Mr Maheritona studied Education in Leeds University, Moray House College, Scotland, New Delhi, India as well as in Zambia.
Mr Maheritona tells us what inspired him to work with sick, vulnerable and disabled people:
‘During my formalisation tour of schools I visited Choongo school in 1997 and saw the children who were disabled (physically challenged). I went to their hostels, kitchen, dining hall and their ablution blocks. What I found touched me so much. Some children had no wheelchairs so they were crawling. Others had damaged wheelchairs which were difficult to propel and others didn’t have shoes at all. From that time I felt that one day my God will show me how I was to serve persons with disabilities. I retired from service in 2001 and 10 years later I joined Health Help Zambia on invitation by the board.’