Jute, Nik and Maria arrived in Lusaka at 08.25 on Sunday morning. The first flight from Gatwick to Doha (Qatar) had taken 8 hours and they had a two hour wait before their second flight. Just enough time for a photo opportunity.
Then followed the 5-hour flight to Lusaka where they were greeted by the Chairman of HHZ trustees and their driver for the day, a friend of the Trustees who works for the Agriculture Community Service.
Day 2 in Lusaka
Jute reports, ‘All 6 cases came through customs safely with stoma and medical items for Monze Mission Hospital and sewing items for Alistair and Primeldah to use. These had been donated by a supporter who had passed away and left all her cottons, scissors, ribbons etc., to HHI.’
The very hot third leg of the journey from Lusaka to Monze took 3.5 hours and included a quick stop at Kafue to buy bananas and apples.
Jute continues, ’Brenda, John and Tawanda were there to welcome us. The rooms were beautifully prepared. Nalukena was there to make our evening meal too. HHZ is always so dedicated and pleased to see us.’