Update on Babu and Sharmala
Back in January when Chris and Edmund visited India, two of the people that we met were Babu and Sharmala (see the news item “Three do some shopping”). Sharmala has arthritis, and Babu had fallen whilst at work and had badly broken his leg. The family were thrown into abject poverty. And to cap it all their toilet (a pit latrine in a small shed) was falling down. We left about £200 – enough to rebuild their toilet and buy a goat.
We have just had an email from Philip in India. The toilet has been replaced by not one but two – so they have the choice between a “Western” one – much better if you are disabled – and a squat type one (more hygienic). And they have not one goat, but two!
Your money goes a long way in India. Thank you to our supporters who make this possible.