Whether it was for the 50 mile or 15-mile route, over 700 participants from all parts of the country signed up for the RS50 event which took them through the beautiful Strathaven countryside – green fields, sheep, cattle, farms, wind farms and an expanse of sky. After a soggy start, the rain cleared but the squally wind, particularly on high ground, affected the times of the super keen riders by some 20 minutes!

Putting up signs
Delicious refreshments, provided by the community and local bakers in Sandford, Glassford, Stonehouse and at Strathaven Academy were free, but in the spirit of giving, cyclists were invited to donate one item to ‘Loaves and Fishes’, the local food bank.

Donations to food bank
To celebrate the year RS50 comes of age – yes its 21 years of pedal pushing since it all began (NOT counting 2020, Covid year!) – Nik and Maria Read from BPCF (Big Picture Charity Films) set out to capture the atmosphere and the community spirit of this amazing day. Their film will soon be available to view on the RS50 website www.roundstrathaven50.org.uk – we’ll keep you posted!
For many years HHI has been very fortunate in receiving funds from the RS50 and so much has been achieved in Zambia and India because of their support. Since 2002, the RS50 has raised over £180,000 and this year some of the money will be used to enable the dormitory for the disabled residential students at Choongo School to be completed. Thank You!
Footnote– Alun and Jute Williams, in the true spirit of ‘going the extra mile’ for HHI, were keen pedal pushers too!

Alun and Jute Williams