November 6th The Final morning…or is it?
Prayer time
Prayer time today was led by Jonah Sialuamo who shared a very well delivered message from Hebrews. Carole, who is continuing to make progress with her health, and Mr Gondwe, who performed Carole’s duties while she was on sick leave, attended too, to share in a special ‘end of the visit’ service.
Tying Up Loose Ends
Mr Gondwe reported that the Naanga School dining room roof was on. When he next visits Naanga, Robbie will go with him as well in order to measure up for making tables. In the meantime, Robbie will continue to mend wheelchairs, and then carry on with the gardening and planting.
Mr Gondwe’s next job is to collect the cooking pots for Muumba School from the vendor in Monze market.
Once the vehicle was packed and ready, Jute, Robbie and Alistair, driven by Felisitus, set off on the slow and tedious journey to Lusaka. Congested roads meant that traffic was often at a standstill.
Alistair and Robbie were given 4000 kwachas each to purchase the items they needed for their work as well as K50 each to buy lunch in Lusaka.
Alistair jumped out of the vehicle near a trading estate where she would be able to purchase the necessary underwear and fabric for the Menstrual Hygiene Project.
The next stop was at Zamleather, and an hour later, 6 hides chosen by Robbie were purchased for K1800.
Homeward bound? Not Quite!
At 1500hrs, they arrived at Kenneth Kaunda Airport in Lusaka. After saying final farewells to Felistus and Robbie, and settling down to wait for the flight, Jute was told three hours later that due to the pilot being unwell, the flight was cancelled.
So, after a night spent in a hotel in Lusaka, arranged by the airline, it was off to the airport…again!
Jute is due to land in Heathrow at approximately 0700hrs on Friday 8th November. On behalf of Jute and the HHI and HHZ teams, may we say a heartfelt ‘ThankYou’ to everyone who has sent good wishes and offered prayers for the success of this visit.
Croeso ‘nol Jute!