Severe drought in Zambia
The Bad News…
There are increasing first hand concerns relating to the drought and consequent famine in Zambia. There is insufficient food for families, let alone schools! The Zambian government is stating the situation is reaching a critical point. Furthermore, they have declared a “security drought response plan” in 84 out of 116 districts. There are 6.6 million people in need of support.
The Good News is…
HHI is sending extra monthly money to provide mealie meal to be handed out to the starving people who come asking for help at the Monze compound.
We are endeavouring to find ways of assisting our partners at HHZ alleviate this dire situation, the worst in 60 years.
This is a temporary solution to those assisted. However, a longer-term solution needs to be found, such as growing drought tolerant crops and sinking deeper wells.
If you would like to donate, please go to our website .
Drought in Zambia