Christmas greetings and thanks from. Smt. Radha in India
My name is Radha and I’m 65 years old. I have three children. And also I am a widow. We have no house. Now we are living in a rented house. My husband was a coolie [daily labourer, who had to find work each day]. A few years ago, when he was working, he fell down from upstairs. His backbone was fractured. His backbone was supported by a steel rod implant. He couldn’t walk for years. Afterwards he passed away. So many days we haven’t much food in our house. Nobody helped us.
A few weeks ago I approached BGM to ask some help. Wilson sir offered me help and gave me some rice with other items for our food for at least for one month for my home.. It was a great pleasure for us. And also Mr. Wilson from BGM supported me with some money to start a small business selling fish. Now every day I am earning some money for our daily food. Now we all are very happy. I convey our Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to all HHI supporters and especially Sri. Edmund sir.
I’m praying for you, dear lord I’m praying for HHI and all their supporters. God bless every member of HHI. God, strengthen their hands to support more people. God, grant them a blessed long life and also bless Edmund sir. Thanks for hearing my prayer in the name of Jesus.