Advent – Zambia
‘Lord give us your spirit, your Spirit that is love,
Lord, fill us with your life, freely given for the world.
Where children cry, let us wipe their tears away,
And where children fall, let us raise them to their feet.
Where there is pain, let us be your healing hands,
And where there is grief, let us comfort with your love.’
Sandy Hardiman – Hymns and Psalms 319 (MHB)
HHZ staff

As the Health Help Zambia staff approach the Christmas holy days we ask God’s blessing on them and their families.
It has been a very challenging few months for them all. They have dealt with successive waves of Covid variants, heavy rains and the very tragic and unexpected loss of their lovely friend and colleague Carole Nzila. Definitely unprecedented times for the HHZ family.
HHZ trustees

We give thanks for the guidance and leadership shown by the trustees and for the support given by the staff to the new administrator, Brenda, who is going forward in Carole’s role. May all the HHZ team enjoy their break, feel God’s spirit in their lives and return restored in the New Year.