Day 2 – January 20th 2023
Another busy day, this time with Pastor Wilson by the Neyyar Dam. It’s one of my favourite spots – all very scenic. We have seen some leaf painting in action and tailoring and friendship bracelet making training. We followed that with a visit to our old friend and customer Sindhu. Her psoriasis has flared up again so we will see if we can increase the help that we give her. We then visited Aravind and Manoj. It sounds like Manoj might benefit from expert help at the Medical College Hospital in Trivandrum but getting him there was a problem so I paid for an autorickshaw to take him. After a number of visits, some very distressing, it was time for some light relief, so we headed to a credit union meeting and to see the beneficiary of a sewing machine. These are an incredibly cost-effective way of helping someone out of poverty – in the right hands they pay for themselves in about six weeks. Sunida was putting two children through university with the profits from hers, as well as feeding and clothing the family a lot better. And finally Rajan was back in work using the prosthetic finger extensions and physiotherapy that you provided to replace the originals that he lost in an industrial accident (don’t ask – it wasn’t nice!).

Sunida with sewing machine India Day 2

Credit Union India Day 2

Rajan India Day 2