Monday 21st October 2024
A Rewarding Day
Money Matters
A sum of £632, almost 22,000 Kwatcha was transferred into the HHZ accounts to enable Brenda to process some important purchases. Two wheelchairs will be purchased in advance in Lusaka and taken back to Monze in the Hilux when Jute and Kath go to the airport on their return journey. Alistair will receive funds to buy the materials needed for the next four tailoring students to start training in November and more money has been set aside to obtain extra materials to complete Choongo dormitory.

Tailoring material funds for Alistair
Choongo Dormitory Plaque
A round of applause erupted when Kath showed the HHZ staff the beautiful plaque she had brought with her from Strathaven Friends of Health Help International, SFHHI, for the Choongo dormitory. It was given to Robbie for mounting onto a wooden frame.

Kath showng the plaque to HHZ

Kath giving plaque to Robbie
Sintemba Basic School
John drove Jute, Kath, Brenda and Alistair, who was carrying a large bag of prepared menstrual hygiene packs, for 15 km along dry, rough roads to Sintemba Basic School. During the tricky journey the passengers had to exit the vehicle so John could rev the engine in order to ascend the rocky, winding slopes of the dry riverbeds.
At the school, Brenda explained to the deputy head teacher that the purpose of the visit was to deliver the Menstrual Hygiene Programme, MHP, to the students.
The classroom was crowded with many girls who listened attentively to Alistair’s excellent lesson on how puberty changes the female body, and how the pads are to be used, washed and reused. In total 188 packs were given out. One of the older girls gave a short thank you speech.
The visitor’s book was signed, and the deputy head asked about obtaining help with feeding. The policy of free schooling for all Zambians has not included extra funding for feeding or classroom space! Indeed, Sintemba Basic School has started preparations for a new classroom block. Bricks are stacked and foundations dug but it will be a long time before it is completed.

Sintemba girls ready for Alistairs presentation

Alistair in action 2

Brenda explaining to Deputy head Sintemba school about the MHP__ visit
Naomi has mobility issues and suffers with chronic pain. She has been known to HHZ since 2019 when she successfully completed a knitting training course with Primeldah. Unfortunately, at that time there wasn’t a space for her on the HHZ tailoring course.
After becoming proficient on the knitting machine, HHI gave her a knitting machine to enable her to sustain herself. She worked hard making school jerseys and managed to pay for a tailoring course in Kalomo training centre. She was the best student in her class and, as a result, received a sewing machine.
Noami keeps both machines in the small, neat room of her tidy home which is very close to Sintemba basic school. She was waiting to greet to us, and we managed to sit inside her house and see her machines. She has invested in solar lights so that she can do her sewing at night when her 6 siblings are sleeping on the one bed. She has also managed to buy bricks, sand and cement with the aim of creating her own workplace. Not only does Naomi support her siblings, but also her disabled father. The remarkable Naomi had cooked an unexpected welcome meal for the visitors of nshima and chicken.
She is an unbelievably resourceful lady, known locally as The Tailor!

Naomi greeting us outside her tidy small home

Naomi home is too small for 7 siblings and her sewing work

Naomi at her knitting machine funded by HHI

Naomi invested in solar ligts to enable her to do sewing at night__