Day 8 Friday 16th February 2024
First port of call today was Shanti Bhavan, a home for destitute men which we support. We received the usual enthusiastic welcome. Talking to Rani and Johnny it was clear that they had a problem – the iron roof had rusted through. Replacing it was beyond their capacity. We were able to get an estimate of £600 for the work, and offered to pay half, if Rani could raise the other half. Since then someone, a UK supporter, has offered to pay Rani’s half, so the work can go ahead.

Shanti Bhavan.
Then it was off to the hospital to meet Shibu’s patients. He is currently looking after five people who would not be getting treatment if it were not for his dedicated work. One was ready to be discharged but needed a Zimmer before he could go, so we bought him one – plus two more for the ward – and his delight transcended the language barrier. He was immediately zipping up and down the corridor with great enthusiasm.
Whilst we were meeting these people Shibu received a phone call asking us to go to the geriatric ward where we were asked to help with an unresponsive Italian man. Sam knows some Italian, but the man remained unresponsive. He was in need of an urgent operation but his family was not known. Eventually Philip was a able to contact his landlord who called the Indian foreigners office who contacted the Italian authorities.
So all will be well.
But you never know what you will meet next on these trips!

New zimmer frames being handed over