Priscilla came to the attention of HHI back in 2010 whilst visiting the Ntambo district. Priscilla is both deaf and dumb, and is unable to mobilise without assistance. In addition to providing Priscilla with a monthly living allowance, HHI funded her to attend Maamba Special School for six years. Tragically, just as the HHZ team were considering how best to help Priscilla support herself, she was raped and consequently became pregnant. Despite her difficulties, Priscilla gave birth to a healthy boy, Isaiah.
In February of this year, HHZ managed to secure a pre-school place for Isaiah while Priscilla receives tailoring tuition from Alistair, the HHZ seamstress. We pray that this new phase of Priscilla’s life will provide her with skills which can support her and Isaiah.
More good news from Priscilla
Robbie, our full-time HHZ handy man based at the Monze compound, has been busy helping Priscilla with her new sewing business. He made a beautiful wood sewing table for her.

Also, life has been made a lot easier for Priscilla and her son Isaiah with the installation of a fresh water standpipe near her home. The bore hole was financed by Water Aid and the standpipe by HHZ.
As you can see in the pictures, Priscilla appears very happy with her life now. We can thank God for providing us with the funds to enable HHZ to do these things.