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HHZ Update

An extract from the July 2021 report…

‘The Covid 19 pandemic has not spared us and we have lost many friends and relatives due to the deadly virus. The most recent sad news is that Mrs Jenipher Mwila’s (HHZ trustee) husband and Dr Nkonjera’s wife have died of Covid 19.

The third wave has hit Zambia more than the past two waves. The vaccines have finally started arriving in the country and many people have been vaccinated despite the negative information going round about the long term effects of the vaccine. A number of us have been vaccinated while the other number is still debating whether to have it or not.

HHZ has continued to adhere to the prevention measures that have been put in place. We have also introduced a staff rotation program to encourage the members of staff to stay home more often. We have also decided to fumigate the premises regularly. We do not have our own sprayer for spraying and we have to borrow every time. We are requesting for K500.00 [£30] to buy our own sprayer.

We hope and trust that our Trustees in the UK are all doing well and growing strong.’

Stop press. We were able to send out the money and the sprayer has been bought, along with a large can of spray.

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