Meeting lovely Lynn
Lynn is a 36-year-old single mum with three boys. She has been managing with crutches since the age of 4 when the left side of her body was paralysed with what Zambian’s call a ‘stroke’. Initially the family just about survived with subsistence farming but then in 2012 things changed as she came to stay in Monze and was trained to use a knitting machine at HHZ by staff member Primeldah. She was also given a machine on completion of the course and she has used this successfully for the last 10 years. She works in her small tidy home in the family community of Himanga outside Monze. She resides there with her grandparents, her sisters, and her children. She makes school jerseys on her machine in the school colours of black, grey, maroon, or green. She can make almost £10 /day and everyone in the surrounding countryside knows where to come for their school jerseys. The machine is working well and is serviced annually by Primeldah.

Lynn with knitting machine

Lynn’s home
It was a real joy to be welcomed into the community, which was well organised, with chickens, cattle, maize, banana plants, and vegetables. Everyone prepares and shares food together in the peaceful shady communal rondavel. It was a pleasure to be witness this traditional rural Zambian setting being successfully supported by a HHI knitting machine.

Lynn’s community

Lynn’s community milking

Banana plants