Muumba meals
The New Term – February 2021
Even though Mr Bruce Bbilika was recently hospitalized after a serious road traffic accident, his latest email shows that he is as keen as ever to welcome the children back to Muumba school following a period of lockdown. He wrote,
‘Our schools in Zambia will open tomorrow (01/02/2021) and this will consume a tough situation as we consider cilious protective measures against our current disease.’
We believe that many children will be very glad to return to school because they know that it is the one place they will receive a nutritious meal. As you may know, we have supported the school meals initiative at Muumba for some time (see our news article dated 9 December 2019). Using your kind donations we have provided equipment and food for the parent volunteers to prepare and serve lunches to the children. Mr Bbilika continues,
‘Thank you very much for the feeding program at Muumba school that you supplied last term. Every child was very happy and they enjoyed themselves with the colourful meals at school.’
So it’s back to the drawing board for us. In order to continue this project we, along with Mr Bbilika and HHZ, need to recalculate the costs of supplying the school with food. We anticipate that the impact of the pandemic on the economic situation will inevitably affect the availability and price of basic resources. In the past we have provided 3,000 Kwacha [about £100] each month for the feeding programme, but we expect that we will need more than this in the coming year.
Thank you again to our loyal supporters for providing a much needed lifeline to those in great need. We promise to update you on this situation in the very near future.