Shibu Has A New Role!
Shibu is our regular bystander in the hospital in Trivandrum. Most of his duties involve work as a sort of nursing auxiliary, but recently …
Tom takes up the story.
This month we have a dramatic story for you. A couple of months ago, a couple living quite a long way away from Trivandrum came to stay in the capital. The husband was a heavy drinker and the couple quarelled badly. The wife was hit by a vehicle and was admitted to the Medical College Hospital. One evening Shibu was attracted by a commotion in Ward 8 (a women’s ward near Ward 15 where many of Shibu’s patients find themselves). The husband had turned up at the hospital, fully drunk, and had approached his wife, apparently affectionately, and had then pulled out a knife from behind and stabbed her three times in the neck. He then stood there brandishing the knife. Shibu sidled up behind him, pinning his arms to his side, and so the men in front could then disarm him. It was a great effort of Shibu, wasn’t it? … . A policeman who had come to the hospital introduced Shibu to his companion as “the Ward 8 superstar”. Many of Shibu’s patients are brought to the hospital by the police, so he knows them well. So it fits in with what Shuibu’s role has turned out to be – doing those things that others aren’t prepared to.
HHI supports all the costs of Shibu’s work in the hospital.