Supporters’ Evening Saturday 13th May 2023
Well done good and faithful servant
During our wonderful evening of worship, Ron encouraged us to recognise the talents God has blessed us with and celebrate how He directs us to use these talents to support the work of HHI thereby helping vulnerable and disabled people in India and Zambia.

Ron leading Supporters Evening 2023
The success of HHI’s projects in Zambia was illustrated by a super PowerPoint, accompanied by Jute’s lively commentary. In addition to the difference our collective efforts are making, we were delighted to hear of the great strides HHZ is making in order to tap into the resources of other recognised aid agencies.

Jute bringing supporters up to date on Zambia 2023
Edmund brought us up to date with the progress of the ongoing projects in India and we were thrilled to view three of the excellent short films made by Big Picture Charity Films with Edmund during the January visit. These informative films give a real flavour of what HHI achieves in India. They will be added to our website as well as our Facebook and Instagram accounts soon.

Edmund bringing supporters up to date on India 2023
A brief but encouraging update of our financial position was summed up by Brian – ‘We’re doing OK!’ He added that we’re doing OK because we’re doing God’s work, therefore everything is exactly as it should be – where God wants it to be! Amen to that!
Before the service, tasty refreshments were served by the gracious ladies at Nant Coch Church. A range of crafts from India and Zambia were on sale and these were complemented by greetings cards made in Merthyr Tydfil. Our very own ‘Handmade with Love’ range of handcrafted items proved very popular once again. The full range of superb products and prices may be found on our website. Our creative seamstress, Margaret can be contacted directly and she will mail all purchased items. And, don’t forget, all proceeds go to HHI.
Thank you to everyone who made our evening such a success.