Wednesday February 12th
Happy Valley
Jute was greeted in Happy Valley Special Needs School by the students and staff with singing, percussion accompaniment, and smiles. A garland of small Jasmine blossoms was placed around her neck which made her feel like royalty.
It was a taste of things to come! Read on…

Jute being welcomed to Happy Valley with traditional shawl and__ jasmine garland
Two dedicated and reliable drivers collect the 64 registered students each day on the Happy Valley buses. One bus covers 40km and the other 70km. Today there were 41 students in attendance.
After the wonderful welcome, there was a time of prayer followed by the students doing their morning exercises – arm swings, squats, marching in a circle and touching toes. One of the older students, who counted clearly in English, delivered this expertly. I was glad to join in with all the movements especially after two long journeys!

Preparing for the start of the day

Start the day with prayer
After singing the anthem, classes commenced. Everyone knew where to go. The staff effectively taught all the classes, successfully managing a range of ages and abilities, and some challenging behaviour
Some students were using number shapes to learn their numbers, some were writing their name, and some were learning the Hindi and Malayalam alphabet -they are required to learn both if possible! Others were colouring but a few were unable to do any of these activities because of severe disability and mobility issues.

Primary Happy Valley class
Angel, the physiotherapist, was working on strengthening 3-year-old Ishal’s legs. She cannot stand or sit; her spine is twisted, but she is beginning to lift her head. Angel explained that she also informs the parents what they need to do with their children during holiday time so that the muscles continue to strengthen.

Angel giving Ishal physio
Visnu, 20 years old, is using a frame to build enough strength to stand independently. With support he is able to sit but not stand. Like Visnu, many of the students in Happy Valley have some form of cerebral palsy. A few pupils have down syndrome and some have ADHD.

Visnu in standing frame
On the top floor of Happy Valley school is a large space where the students over 18 years old practise vocational skills. Twenty students, supervised by 3 members of staff, were quietly busy. Some were making mats from unwanted clothing donated by parents which is cut into strips, plaited, then sewn into circles. Brooms were made from banana leaves; unwanted fabric was recycled into cleaning clothes and plastic milk bags turned into waterproof baskets. All the products are then sold to generate an income for Happy Valley.

making brooms
Lunch was made and served by the caretakers on the premises. These meals are funded by the Banyan Tree along with donations from parents. After lunch there was an air of excitement. Everyone sang and enjoyed some red velvet cake to celebrate Phillip Mathew’s 30 wedding anniversary. Congratulations Phillip!!!

Philip 30th Wedding anniversary cake
Before the end of the afternoon the whole school gathered up in the third-floor room for a presentation of beautiful singing and rhythmic dancing. The female staff members also performed a typical Indian dance routine.
Phillip thanked me for visiting Happy Valley and asked me to pass on their gratitude to everyone in HHIUK. I thanked the staff for their dedication, care and patience the students for their hard work and conscientious effort in all they do.
At home time the older students helped the younger, less able students to collect their back-sacks and put on their shoes before the buses set off to take the students home.
At the end of the day Philip was very pleased to receive my compliments about a well-run, clean and happy institution. Philip was also very grateful to receive £654 – money given by HHI donors – to cover the insurance for the 2 school buses for the coming year. And, by purchasing 200 Indian Leaf Cards from Phillip to sell in the UK we are also helping Happy Valley.
A happy end to a happy day at Happy Valley!