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Where have you been today?

So now you know. We were out all day, and we covered the grand total of 37.14 miles. Mostly at 15mph, often down to less than walking speed as we negotiated elephant-sized potholes, and a top speed of 30mph. Once again it was visiting people that we support with a small monthly sub, and some others who have urgent – and more substantial – medical needs.


The first call was in this latter category. Valsala had cancer of the uterus and cervix, requiring both a hysterectomy and chemotherapy. The operation had been successful, and she has had three chemo sessions, but needs another three at a cost of GBP90 each. Her husband Jayan is a heart patient who is unable to work so they are unable to afford more. I was happy to leave GBP60 (the second such payment) towards the next session: they will find the other GBP30 somehow.


Another such case was a thirteen-year-old girl. Her father is employed in a tea shop, so the family (which includes three girls) is very poor, and we have helped with the cost of Devika’s medication for some time. She has cerebellar tonsillar ectopia, a malformation of the brain, which can be very serious. She will need another MRI scan shortly, which will cost about GBP80, something that the family cannot afford. I left a GBP50 contribution from HHI’s supporters which will enable this to be done. (Previous scans were financed by loans from a credit union – we support many of these).

We finished the day with a welcome meal with Pastor Samuel, someone we have known for many years. It was good to meet up with him again. During the Covid lockdown period we had been funding food parcels for 30 families in his church who had lost their incomes; but as things return to normal it is time to bring this project to a close, and it was a time to discuss how to do this without causing too much pain and disappointment. Many people will be able to return to their previous jobs; for others we are investigating the possibility of micro-businesses such as a tea shop, food retailing or chickens.

And so it was back to Happy Valley – and a power cut!

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