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Health Help International aims to improve the welfare of the less fortunate in our world

Providing help to both individuals and communities, our work is currently focussed in India and Zambia. Our projects are wide ranging, concentrating on health and education. From supplying infrastructure for hospitals and clinics and medical equipment to funding medical aid to those needing treatment. Schools and training centres are supported across these areas for both adults and children that have disabilities.

Our work in the UK is undertaken by a small number of volunteers, who not only give up their time and energy freely but also contribute financially to HHI’s work. This ensures all the money that is contributed by our supporters is distributed to our projects overseas.

Last year’s other highlights kept on coming, such as the installation of an Autoclave in Monze Mission Hospital. Funds, yet again raised through the generosity of HHI’s incredible supporters.

Whilst in India, the Credit Unions projects are proving so effective changing lives and helping lift people out of poverty that new leaders have been engaged to run more groups.

A previous Mailchimp highlighted the severe drought in Zambia and consequent famine. HHI are very proud to report that feeding programmes and urgent provisions have been made not only in Africa, but also in India, following the recent monsoons. We continue to pray for the rains in Zambia, which have begun but remain insufficient to alleviate suffering and for crops to be planted.

This has been an extraordinary year for HHI, as not only have we met and completed the Choongo Challenge we have continued every single one of the projects highlighted on the website !

And finally, we thank all of you who have bought a brick,  donated online, set up a Standing Order, shopped at our alternative catalogue or attended any of the many fundraising events, and sent prayers. We, and the beneficiaries from any of the  initiatives of HHI, send our deep gratitude.
We can’t do it without you.


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Operating in Southern India we provide medical support for individuals and two special needs centres. We also work with a major hospital to improve access for people who would otherwise not be admitted or treated, and work with communities and individuals to improving living standards in a variety of ways.



Operating in Monze, Southern Province, we supply health related items for local clinics and hospitals, set up self-help projects for communities to help lift them from poverty, help disabled people improve their lives as well as helping invalids access health care.



Click on the link below to discover what is happening in the UK.


100% of your contribution goes direct to our projects


Every penny you donate goes to fund our projects abroad. Our administration is undertaken by a small group of volunteers, ensuring your money goes where it should.

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