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And a Weekend in Abergavenny

The very popular annual Food Festival was held in Abergavenny this weekend.  The United Reformed Church on Castle Street was more than happy to host an HHI stall thus enabling us to advertise some of the work undertaken in India and Zambia and display some of the crafts made in these countries which we sell at our events.

HHI display in Castle Street URC

HHI display in Castle Street URC

HHI display in Castle Street URC

HHI display in Castle Street URC

Ably assisted by her skilled 5-year-old granddaughter, Liz took over £70 from the sale of crafts on the weekend which, in her words was, ‘so unexpected’ and she is, ‘thankful to the generous folk who wandered into our chapel.’

We extend a huge thank you to the kind and thoughtful Food Festival visitors!

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