DAY 4 Thursday 14th September 2023
Nanga Dining Room – After Lunch
After lunch was over, four deaf students reconvened in the Nanga dining room with their teacher to practise their signing skills. Using the laptop and the Rachel Raspberry Pi software, Penelope was chosen to select a story (See last attachment.) She then proceeded to quietly read the story on the screen and sign each of the sentences to her classmates. Any errors or uncertainties were tactfully corrected by the teacher who was able to sign very efficiently and helped me understand the signs too. The Zambians use American sign language which isn’t the same as the sign language used in the UK.
Nanga’s Penelope
It was a very interesting quiet time of learning. Penelope did very well and I asked the teacher to sign to the girls that I thought they all did extremely well and wished them all the very best for their forthcoming National Grade 7 exams. When they pass these, they will leave Nanga school for the next phase of their learning. All the software and the laptops were provided by HHI with technical support from Giakonda.
Penelope choosing a story
Nanga signing lesson