Day 9 Saturday 17th February 2024
Another busy day.
The morning was spent at Happy Valley meeting some of the many people who we are helping. These include a large group of people with kidney failure. Some have had transplants and need expensive medications to prevent their bodies from rejecting the transplanted organ, whilst others need dialysis which they have to pay for. The money that you provide can literally make the difference between life and death.

Transplant patients
Others came because they need help – help that only we will give. Soumya has bladder cancer and is desperate. She needs four more chemotherapy sessions at £60 each. I was able to give her the money for two of them. She will probably need further treatment. Can anyone help her?

Then we visited a number of people in their own homes. All had great needs. Gidija has had a leg amputated recently as a result of diabetes; she and her aged husband are reduced to begging as their chickens were stolen whilst Gidija was in hospital. We were able to give her £40 to repair the hen coop and buy 25 young chickens, plus £10 for living expenses until the chickens start laying. She stared at each note in disbelief with tears in her eyes. Her life can be transformed – a new start for them both.
