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Hope and a Future!

Our May 2024 Supporters’ Event gave us the opportunity to socialise and celebrate; to consider new challenges, hear success stories and propose ways forward in our quest to be of service to the sick, disabled, needy and vulnerable we meet in India and Zambia.

Ron enthusiastically introduced our evening worship, during which Edmund, and Jute, using the excellent BPCF films, gave updates on our projects and our money man, Brian, detailed the current financial situation and also posed some Maths problems (thanks Bri – I think!).

These lines from the hymn we sang, ‘God is Love’, reminds us that wherever we are and whatever our part is in HHI, we are secure in the love of God…  ‘With unfailing grasp God hold us, Ev’ry child of ev’ry race.’

So, with renewed assurance and enthusiasm, we can look forward with hope for the future of HHI.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

Huge thanks are due to Nant Coch Church for providing the comfortable and welcoming venue and to Gill and her team who graciously supplied the refreshments.  And thank you again to everyone who supports the work of HHI!

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