Hope for Chabilo
We saw Chabilo Ngoma for the first time during our September visit to Zambia. At fourteen years old his quality of life is very poor. Chabilio was born with cerebral palsy. His parents do care for him as best as they can. He has blankets and some soft fabric to lie on, but he was not swallowing his food well while constantly lying on his back. Fortunately, there was one sturdy wheelchair remaining in the HHZ compound and after discussions with the HHZ staff it was reserved for Chabilo. A real improvement. Now he can sit supported in the shade outside his hut, see his parent as they go about their daily chores, hear and see the birds in the trees, and he can swallow much better.

There is further good news which we have just received from HHZ. On December 6th Chabilo will start physiotherapy sessions in Holy Family, Monze. This is a physiotherapy centre which works in partnership with HHZ. He will reside at the centre and have treatment every day until January 6th. HHIUK is funding the cost of his care and treatment for £125. This will be the first time that Chabilo has received any treatment. We pray that his mobility will improve.