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Muumba: Wonderful Results

Muumba School has certainly come a long way.

Our publication, “God’s Special Children” A Story of Four Schools, gave a chronological outline of how HHI supporters have made a huge difference to the lives of many children in the Monze district by funding the Muumba School Project.

However, we know that we can only do so much. The learning at Muumba school is dependent on the strong leadership of Mr Bbilika and the example and inspiration he gives to the dedicated and talented teachers, the support of parents, including their involvement with the feeding programme as well as the efforts of the children. So, we are delighted to share with you the recent results from the Year 7 examinations.

Pupils being taught in new building

Mr Bruce Bbilika wrote, ‘Greetings to you all. We are fine despite the COVID pandemic around us.

The grade seven (7) results were favourable, and a good number of learners made it to the secondary schools of their choice.

All in all, we would like to thank you for your support which has helped us for a positive step.’

Well done and Congratulations to you from all at HHI!

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