School Bus from Scotland to India
Our supporters in Scotland have funded a school bus for Happy Valley!
Happy Valley, Special Needs Centre, now have two school buses that serve the school and run approximately 236km every school day – further than any school run in this country. These buses provide instantly recognisable, safer and more appropriate transport for some of the 63 children currently enrolled at Happy Valley. (read our Help Story on Happy Valley for full background)

The director, Philip Matthew, writes:
“Thank you for your valuable support for the special school…..We celebrated Independence Day on August 15, hoisting the national flag in our school and we also celebrated the Onam festival for which we arranged a special food with sweet payasam….Our children and parents are very happy….Once again we thank you for all you are doing for us.”

Philip Matthew also gave us and update on a couple of individuals who are benefitting from our support:

Regilal is a cerebral palsy student in our special school for the last four years. Now he comes regularly three days a week. He and his mother come in our school bus for physiotherapy, speech therapy and attending the academic class. He understands everything and he likes running, jumping, signing and colouring the picture in the book. He takes breakfast and noon meals. He is very happy in our school.
He comes in a poor family. His father is an electrician who has no regular work and his mother is house-wife. He has an elder sister studying in 8th standard. They belong to a Hindu family. One of the church people supports him for his medical treatment and equipment.

Ajin is 14 years old. He has severe learning difficulties and ADHD and is studying in our school for last three years regularly. Previously, studying in Government school nearby – the school principal referred him to our special school.
Now he is doing much better, as we can give him special attention and control him. He comes from a poor family. with his father is a daily coolie worker – not in regular work and mother has only primary school education and is a housewife. Ajin has a younger brother studying in first standard in normal school.
He was studying in our school for last year for speech and behaviour problems. Now he is better. He is very happy in our school.