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The latest news from the Neyyar Dam

We recently sent some more money to Pastor Wilson, our partner at BGM Ministries by the Neyyar Dam. He has written back, telling us how he spent the money (there are about 90 Rupees to £1, so a Rupee is worth just over 1p). As always, a little goes a long way in India, and lives are being transformed one at a time:

Very Respected Edmond sir,

Good day and Praise the Lord.Warm greetings from BGM Social Service Centre, Neyyardam. I hope you all are fine and have good health.
Here we all are fine. And Thank you very much for your support
I received 80000 rupees from HHI for different programmes .And last month balance in our hand 13000 Rupees.

From this amount 30000 Rupees is donated to Mrs. Latha for her operation for throat cancer.

5000 rupees donate people for purchasing Goat rearing programme .Mr. Philip is a handicapped man. He has a wife is also a patient . No good house. He is not able to do any work. He is very happy with this goat.

5000 Rupees to donate to a poor family for a tailoring machine. Mr. Ashish .He purchased machine and start work from his home. Every day he earns some money for his family.This family is very happy now.

He have wife with two children. He is a evangelist also.He converted from a Hindu family. Now he is a part time evangelist. And also doing tailoring work.

Tailoring Training is continuing. We used 8000 rupees for Teacher salary.

Credit Union also continuing we used 10000 Rupees for field workers salary .

And our continuing patients are received the following amounts.
Sorbana (breast cancer) 500
Sindhu 1,000
Aranda Veley 800
Sheela 1,000
Sindhu’s mother 700
Jayaraj & Jobin – new 1,000
Manoj & Aravind – new 2,000

For extra medical aid was 15000 Rupees you sent to us.
From this we supported eleven different patients for their different disease for purchasing their medicine.

For the feeding programme for the Covid cantonment area we distributed Vegetables with rice to 20 families .

Total we use 12500 Rupees for feeding programme. But for transporting cost we take 500 Rupees.

Thank you very much. These all people convey their heartily thanks and happy to you all members. May God bless you all.

Remember in prayers.

Pastor .Wilson
BGM Social Service Centre,

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