Tuesday 22nd October 2024
Feeding Programme
About 50 people benefit from the HHI feeding programme each month. Some come to the compound to collect their bags of mealie meal and soya flakes and others, for example, Kazolo, the Dimuna Family and Priscilla, who are unable to travel to Monze, have it delivered to their homes.
As a result of the drought many vulnerable/disabled people are starving. £500, donated by a generous UKHHI trustee, was handed to Brenda first thing in the morning so that the feeding programme for October could be completed. Kath also handed over to Brenda some female clothing which could be given to those in need.

Feeding programe Oct 22nd

Handing over money for feeding prog

Clothing being handed over by Kath
Holy Family
Holy family is a local institution which makes artificial limbs, provides physiotherapy and has a school for 169 students, 22 of whom are disabled. HHI happily provides Holy family with monthly funds to feed all the school children. The artificial limbs made by Holy Family are very costly and beyond the means of many people. Even though the materials used to make the prosthetics are extremely expensive and must be sourced outside Zambia, Brother Phiri, the director, agreed to reducing the price of the artificial limbs needed by clients who approach HHZ for funds. It was agreed that in future, the labour costs would not be charged to HHZ beneficiaries. A good result!

Holy family artifical limb making dept

Excerise inflatable ball handed over to Holy family
Sneak Preview at Choongo
The new dormitory building is complete. In readiness for ‘Handover Day’, Choongo school was a hive of activity. Students were washing floors’ (Zambian dust covers everything very quickly), cleaning the closets and clearing away the builders’ rubble from the surroundings. Mattresses and pillows have been purchased. The plaque has been mounted onto a wooden frame and varnished and Robbie will ensure that it will be secured onto the outer wall. Unfortunately, because of the severe drought, there is an acute power shortage and not all of the bunk beds have been constructed!
Mr Gondwe. Pastor Fundi, John and Robbie worked hard to ensure things were prepared for the Big Day!

Students cleaning the dorm for hand over Oct 23rd

Choongo pre- handover visit

Brenda prepping table l decoartions for choongo hand over
An unbelievably dusty, bumpy 1 hr drive led to Bweengwa where Kazolo lives. As usual road is being resurfaced, all traffic was diverted onto totally unsuitable, hazardous tracks. It is easy to see why the Hilux needs so many repairs!
Kazolo was in his wheelchair under a tree near to his small house which HHI built last year. His brother, his brother’s wife and four children were around too. Everyone has been affected by the severe drought and looked jaded. A new top was given to Kazolo and a new shirt to his brother. Bananas and satsumas were given to the children and a new mattress cover was put onto Kazolo’s bed along with a new mosquito net. Ideally, Kazolo’s mattress needs replacing.
Discussions ensued with Kazolo’s brother (with Mr Gondwe as translator) as to how the toilet facility for Kazolo and the family could be improved. Kazolo’s brother is able to do the building so he will price the materials and have them scrutinized by HHZ.
John off loaded the mealie meal and soya flakes for the family and all was well.

Food for Kazolo and family

Kazolo enjoying bread roll

Kazolo nieces and nephews with fruit

Kazolo toilet

Mosquito net