Since it was first established in 1999, Health Help International has had a strong bond with Monze Mission Hospital. It is a local hospital within walking distance from the Health Help Zambia compound. Over the years many medical elective students from the UK have lodged in the Health Help Zambia (HHZ) guest rooms while they experienced and learnt about the health problems in an African hospital. In years gone by when HHI was sending 40ft containers packed with mobility aids, hospital beds and medical items such as, bandages, dressings, syringes (all in sterile packaging) many of the items were donated to Monze Mission Hospital. Good relationships were formed with some of the leading doctors in the hospital which led to specific requests being made prior to sending the containers. Ventilators, oxygen concentrators, and unwanted stoma products were on the list; all were delivered and gratefully received.

The HHI container arriving in at the HHZ compound in Monze and a ventilator being unloaded for Monze Mission Hospital.

One of the Monze Mission Hospital doctors unpacking the many boxes of medical items from the HHI container.

A Suction machine being used on the premature baby ward in Monze Mission Hospital.
Good quality medical equipment is always needed and not readily available in Zambia. After 2017 when HHI discontinued sending containers, our funds were directed towards helping the hospital to purchase new medical items including a diathermy and suction machines. These were purchased directly with charity funds following fund raising efforts in the UK. The equipment was delivered directly to the Monze Mission Hospital by reputable companies such as TTM in Germany and Global Health in Seattle, USA

Diathermy and Suction machines. Essential new equipment which has been funded and delivered to Monze Mission Hospital.
In the future there will, no doubt, be more expensive equipment needed and with the help of our supporters, HHI will continue to raise funds for specific requests.
Feeding programme
For the last twenty years HHI has been sending a monthly contribution to support the feeding programme in the children’s wards. Children are often admitted with malnutrition as well as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea, burns and fractures. When asked how HHI could help the children, it was suggested by the hospital staff that additional dietary supplements would really help to aid healing. Protein rich foods such as ground nuts, eggs, milk and additional vitamin rich fruits are often beyond the hospital’s budget. As a result, each month £100 is sent by HHI to the hospital via HHZ to enable the sick children and babies to benefit from a nutritious daily diet.

Spreading our Wings to Chepstow u3a
Following a warm welcome from our hosts on the 7th January, we gave an overview…
Autoclave and Container arrive in Monze
A Christmas card has been received from Monze Mission Hospital "Now it came to…
DAY 3 Wednesday 13th September 2023
Following Prayers and singing in the lounge so that Nik could film the HHZ staff…
Monze Mission Hospital visit
Unwanted stoma and colostomy supplies which we have collected from patients in the UK were…