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Spreading our Wings to Chepstow u3a

Following a warm welcome from our hosts on the 7th January, we gave an overview of the work of HHI in India and Zambia with the help of films produced by Big Picture Charity Films ( We looked at the…

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Mrs Nahu

“The loan sharks don’t come to our village any more”

In our recent Tidings we described how successful the women’s credit unions (self-help groups) that we foster have become, so much so that another administrator was needed. The good news is that another animator has been appointed already.  Pastor…

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Credit Union

Day 11 Monday19th February 2024

We spent another day around the Neyyar Dam. It is an idyllic spot, very beautiful, but also one that harbours much poverty. One such person who we helped recently is Prida, who was in agony with fibroids in her uterus…

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Latest from the Neyyar Dam

Very Respected Edmond sir, Warm greetings from BGM Social Service Centre, Neyyardam. Good day and Praise the Lord in the name of our precious Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you all are fine and have good health. Here we all…

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That was a busy day

There was no post yesterday as it was one of those days when nothing went right, and nothing was achieved. No problem, this is India and things don't always go according to plan. Lesson one of life in India is…

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On the shores of the Neyyar Dam

That was a mistake. Rajesh has repaired the meter on his autorickshaw. Prices have dropped substantially as a result. I have spent today in the area around the Neyyar Dam with Pastor Wilson, seeing some of he people that we…

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Where have you been today?

So now you know. We were out all day, and we covered the grand total of 37.14 miles. Mostly at 15mph, often down to less than walking speed as we negotiated elephant-sized potholes, and a top speed of 30mph. Once…

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The latest news from the Neyyar Dam

We recently sent some more money to Pastor Wilson, our partner at BGM Ministries by the Neyyar Dam. He has written back, telling us how he spent the money (there are about 90 Rupees to £1, so a Rupee is…

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Letter from the Neyyar Dam

With Tom being in Australia, we have the opportunity to work more with some other partners in India. One of these is Pastor Wilson, who lives in an idyllic spot on the shores of the Neyyar Dam. Like Tom, a…

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Tailoring training success

For the last six months, HHI has been supporting a programme whereby destitute women are given training in sewing (tailoring). The idea is that they will then be able to support themselves and their families. Pastor Wilson, who oversees this,…

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